Kingdom Life Church Resources

Use the forms below to fill out the appropriate ministry forms for your needs

New Member Form

Welcome to the KLC Family! We are so glad to have you. As a new member, we would like to know a little more about you and your family, so please complete the following form.


What ministries are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

Announcement Request Form

Members of KLC can submit this form to have an announcement displayed on the screen during Sunday Morning Worship services. Requests must be submitted no later than 72 hours prior to the Sunday requested in order to be included. Upon receipt of this form, you will receive a confirmation via email from the KLC media team.

Date(s) Requested for Announcement to Run

Facility Request Form

Members of KLC may utilize our facilities free of charge. Please submit this form to request use of our facilities. Requests must be submitted no later than 14 days prior to the requested date. If you are not a member of KLC, there is a rental fee and security deposit required to use our facilities. Upon receipt of this form, someone from our office will be in contact with you.

Couple's Counseling Request

We offer both pre-marital and marital counseling sessions free of charge for the members of KLC. If you are not a member of KLC, there is an hourly fee for non-member couples counseling. Upon receipt of this form, someone from our office will be in contact with you.

For Non-Members Only

Individual Counseling/Coaching Request

We offer individual counseling/coaching sessions free of charge for the members of KLC. If you are not a member of KLC, there is an hourly fee for non-member counseling/coaching. Upon receipt of this form, someone from our office will be in contact with you.

Pastor Glasper/Lady Kim Booking Request

We appreciate your invitation. For consideration in booking Pastor Latdoir Glasper or Lady Kimberly Glasper for an event or public program, please complete this form with the requested information. Upon receipt of this form, someone from our office will be in contact with you.

Media Request Form

Kingdom Life

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